Links Some of the people and institutions who have been helpful to me: Aliki Barnstone (Poet) Wendell Berry (Poet, Essayist, Novelist) Owen and Sandie Brock (Spiritual Directors) Scott Cairns (Poet) Richard Chess (Poet) The Christian Century Robert Clark (Author) Close Reading Blog Robert Coles (Author and Psychiatrist) Dos Madres Press Duke University Theology, Medicine, and Culture Initiative Eighth Day Books Emmanuel Monastery The Ekklesia Project BH Fairchild (Poet) Leslie Leyland Fields (Author) Carolyn Forché (Poet) Michael Gorman (New Testament Scholar) Stanley Hauerwas (Ethicist) Gareth Higgins (Author and Film Critic) IMAGE Brent Laytham (Theologian) Tim Lowly (Visual Artist) M Therese Lysaught (Ethicist) DS Martin (Poet) Monastery of Christ in the Desert Barry Moser (Visual Artist) Debra Dean Murphy(Author) Over The Rhine (Folk Music Duo) Presence Joel Shuman (Ethicist) Samir Shah (Physician) Patricia Smith (Poet) John Volck (Visual Artist) Jeanne Murray Walker (Poet) Michael Wilson (Photographer) Wipf and Stock Publishers Greg Wolfe (Author and Editor) “Listen to the patient.He is giving you the diagnosis.” Rene Theophile Hyacinthe Laennec Along with those named above, here are some contemporary poets I recommend: Luke Hankins Matthew Henry Laura Reece Hogan Jessica Jacobs Rodger Kamenetz Ilya Kaminksy Philip Metres Julie Moore Marilyn Nelson Angela Alaimo O’Donnell Jacqueline Osherow Padraig O’ Tuama Frank Paino Martha Serpas Christian Wiman