by Brian Volck | Dec 30, 2017 | Accountability, words
I’m hardly the first to write an internet post to warn about the downside of the internet. For the record, the irony is duly noted. The internet is not intrinsically bad. Developers of any newly available technology understandably emphasize its benefits. “This,” we...
by Brian Volck | Jan 31, 2017 | Accountability, hospitality, Malcolm Guite, poetry
My friend (and master of the sonnet form), Malcolm Guite, published the collection in which this poem appears in 2012. Inhospitality to strangers is nothing new. It may help to remember that “xenos,” the Greek word from which English derives...
by Brian Volck | Mar 1, 2013 | Accountability
Consider this website an experiment. If it keeps me accountable to the work, it will have been successful. If it merely calls attention to me, it’s an exercise in vanity. It’s the work that counts. The work is writing. It’s bracing to tell people, “I’m a writer,” not...